Timo's Test: WOO vs. Surfr.
For a game to be meaningful, it has to be fair. German kiter Timo Marten posed the question: how fair is the WOO game? and the Surfr game? This spring he put it to the test, compiling data from both platforms and comparing the precision. Big jumps, little jumps; Chop, waves, flat water; Loops, rolls, WOOsts... he threw everything he had at it. Timo's published his test results (YouTube / Instagram) and it's a great demonstration of how different points of measurement and un-unified hardware can lead to an unfair game. While the WOO 4.0s measure similar to one another, trying to compare readings from a watch, board mount, and wetsuit pouch creates a much larger spread. In practice, this means the prevention of any meaningful competition.